Argentinian Choripan - Che Gourmet

Argentinian Choripan

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July 21, 2017

Wondering the streets of Buenos Aires, getting lost in the sights and smells and being drawn to a huge crowd gathering around raging hot fires, cold beers in hand and amazing live music set the scene for my first experience eating Choripan. Chori (short for Chorizo) Pan (Bread in Spanish) TADAAAA Choripan. Slathered with my Chimichurri Sauce it's bound to get your lips smacking for more.



1Slice the chorizo in half lengthwise and place on a VERY hot grill. Grill on both sides until beautiful char lines start to form and added back to the grill for a few minutes before serving.

2Cut the baguette lengthwise and place (inside down) on the grill to lightly toast.

3Place a tablespoon or more of Che Gourmets Chimichurri Sauce on the baguette, spread and then add the chorizo sausage. Top with additional chimichurri, delicous homemade coleslaw or a tomato and onion curtido salsa,

4For bite size or smaller snacks, cut the chorizo and the bread into smaller pieces and serve with chimichurri and additional toppings.


1-2 pork or beef chorizo sausages (or your favourite vegan alternative Fry's does amazing "sausages") per person for a main dish or 1 chorizo sausage for 2-3 people for an appetizer or snack while waiting for the main meal

250G Che Gourmet Chimichurri Sauce

1 cup Coleslaw (I like mixing together red & white cabbage with julienned carrots and mayo)

Baguette sliced into smaller portions


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